We are open for partnership and subcontracting

Partnership and subcontracting

We are open for cooperation with other consulting companies, in which we can handle the technical aspects of cyber security. If you need a group of experts in one of the fields such as penetration testing, red teaming, security audits, DFIR, threat hunting and security research feel free to contact us. Also if you want to team up on some interesting assignment or research project and you look for additional manpower, check out our consultant profiles if you think we may be able to help.


We are always open for hiring and working with skilled people. If you specialize in one or more services that we offer, are able to work independently and deliver high quality results drop us a line. At the moment we do not look for interns.

See the Competencies of Our Team

Our team identified and responsibly disclosed multiple critical and high rated vulnerabilities in popular global utilized products. We received acknowledgements eg. from the following organisations:
